What Does It Mean to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

What Does it Mean to Dear Your Neighbour equally Yourself?

  • Crosswalk.com Contributing Writer
  • 2021 9 Mar
What Does it Mean to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself?

"Beloved the Lord your God with all your middle and all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Honey your neighbor as yourself.' there is no commandment greater than these." Marking 12:30-31

Loving your neighbour as yourself is found eight times in the Bible. Non one time. Non twice. Eight times. Loving your neighbor equally yourself is so important to God that He not only repeats Himself, He makes it a control. And not just one in a listing of many commands. Jesus coupled the command to love your neighbor as yourself with loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

James calls information technology the royal law. It sounds beautiful, and information technology is when we obey it.

But loving your neighbour equally yourself isn't always easy. That'southward why God made it a command. He knew we'd struggle. Making it a commandment is really to our benefit. How is that? Nosotros have to do it on purpose, exist intentional about it. Sometimes even out of our need.

This is what it ways to beloved your neighbour every bit yourself:

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1. Loving your neighbor means receiving God's love.

1. Loving your neighbour means receiving God's honey.

Likewise brainstorm to honey your neighbour as yourself, yous demand to know two things: you demand to know what dearest is and that you are loved.

The Bible tells us "this is love. Non that nosotros loved God merely that He loved us and sent his Son every bit a propitiation…" (1 John 4:10). You are the object of this dearest. God loves you. Knowing this is imperative. And not just loved in a general kind of mode, but deeply loved and unconditionally loved. Nosotros tap into this when nosotros understand that God loved united states first. He'due south the source of our love. God loved us even before Jesus gave Himself for us. God the Male parent is the source of all dear. Before we can give this love we need to receive it for ourselves. You tin can't requite what y'all don't have.

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2. Loving your neighbor means loving ourselves as well.

2. Loving your neighbor ways loving ourselves as well.

To love your neighbour equally yourself as commanded, you lot need to measure correctly. The measurement within this control is—as yourself. To love your neighbor as yourself you demand to love yourself. This is something that gets misunderstood in the trunk of Christ oftentimes. It gets mixed up with dying to self and denying cocky as if nosotros need to destroy our self. This is not truthful.

Jesus died for each and every one of the states. If Jesus valued us enough to become through what He went through, we owe it to Him to value what He values. We need to dear what He loves – us. The Bible fifty-fifty tells us that the Male parent loves us as much as He loves Jesus (John 17:23). How dare nosotros non beloved what the Father loves. Learning to beloved ourselves prepares and helps u.s. to dear our neighbor.

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3. Loving your neighbor means showing grace.

three. Loving your neighbor means showing grace.

Knowing God is love and that this beloved is for y'all is not enough. It needs to be developed. Imagine if you lot had a field of skillful soil and a bag of top notch seeds. Would they produce a crop all by themselves? No. The seeds must be planted and cared for. Grace takes the seed of His love and the soil of our heart and creates fruit for the kingdom of God.

The Bible says, "it'southward God who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure" (Philippians 2.13). Loving Him and our neighbour pleases Him. Grace helps us do this. Grace teaches us proper love and respect for ourselves and for our neighbor. Freely receiving His grace empowers united states of america to freely give it.

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4. Loving your neighbor means acting with compassion.

4. Loving your neighbor means acting with compassion.

When Jesus was asked, "Who is my neighbour?" He responded with a story: the Adept Samaritan. Even those who take no honey for God see the value of the story. What is the bottom line of this story? Who did Jesus say was being a neighbor? The i who had compassion.

Compassion is not simply a warm fuzzy feeling in our hearts. Compassion does something. A centre that's moved by compassion cannot sit idly by while someone suffers a need. Loving your neighbor as yourself is beingness moved to assist to the full extent of your ability.

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5. Loving your neighbor means looking out for their wellbeing.

5. Loving your neighbor ways looking out for their wellbeing.

The NIV translation of i Corinthians 13 says, "love protects." In Philippians 2:iv information technology says, "Permit each of you look not only to his own interests, but too to the interests of others." Loving your neighbor as yourself is to look out for other people's wellbeing.

To wait out for them is to pay attention. You notice if they demand something and then you help. For example, their wearable tag is sticking out or they take food on their face and then y'all permit them know. Or something more serious like when my neighbor's toddler got out and crossed the street. Concerned for his prophylactic, I headed over there. I was almost there when the grandma came out to intercept him and thanked me.

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6. Loving your neighbor means serving them.

6. Loving your neighbor means serving them.

Serving from the middle is kindness in activity. Kindness is ane of the attributes of beloved listed in i Corinthians xiii. The funny thing nigh kindness, though, is yous can do acts of kindness without kindness residing in your heart. If the kind matter is done out of duty then it isn't honey.

Jesus said he came to serve (Matthew twenty:28). God, who is honey, came to serve. Love serves. For you to dear your neighbor equally yourself, you'll take a centre to serve them. Allow them know you're there for them. If they need a ride somewhere, y'all drive them. If they need their dog or cat checked on while they're out of town, you do that for them. Other examples are getting their mail for them or taking them a repast if they're not well. Examples in a public setting are to permit people in front of you in line at the store or in traffic.

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7. Loving your neighbor means speaking kindly.

seven. Loving your neighbor means speaking kindly.

The childhood rhyme nearly stick and stones versus words is not truthful. Words build up or tear down. God created the world using words. The Bible says Jesus IS the Give-and-take (John 1:ane).

To love your neighbor as yourself is to utilize words to build them up. Speaking words of encouragement to someone who'south down is the well-nigh obvious example just at that place are others. We tin be more than intentional with our words by looking for and magnifying the good. We can always detect something good if nosotros'll take the time to await for it. Examples of this are giving someone a compliment and telling someone you appreciate them.

Photo courtesy: @AntonioGuillem

8. Loving your neighbor means making allowances for other people's humanity.

8. Loving your neighbour means making allowances for other people'south humanity.

We live in a day and age when offense is as common every bit breathing. Criticism is running rampant. Dear is not hands offended or critical. Everyone does dumb things; no i is always right or knows everything. We're all a work in progress.

I call up sitting through a light-green light. I wasn't trying to inconvenience anyone. I got stuck in grieving daze because a family member died. I call back that when I encounter people driving too dull, sitting at lights, or even cutting me off. Maybe they have a reason. Maybe they're just being human. Nosotros're imperfect beings that do dumb things frequently.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt is loving your neighbor. For example, I had a lady flailing her artillery and cursing because I didn't go through an virtually cherry-red light. She was behind me so got stuck at the red light with me. I don't know why she was then angry but she may take had other circumstances surrounding her that day. I prayed for her.

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9. Loving your neighbor means sharing in their joys and sorrows.

9. Loving your neighbor means sharing in their joys and sorrows.

The Bible says we are to "rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn" (Romans 12:15).

Celebrating can be difficult for us at times, especially if our neighbor is getting something we have longed for. For example, a new job, a raise, or a pregnancy. Celebrating with them in spite of our ain hurting is a stiff show of love.

Likewise. mourning with our neighbor tin can be hard if nosotros don't know what to say, or have recently lost something or someone ourselves. Loving your neighbor as yourself is showing upwardly and being there with your heart open, assuasive them to be what they are and support them.

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10. Loving your neighbor means forgiving.

10. Loving your neighbor means forgiving.

Forgiveness is a big deal to God. The Bible says He planned it for us from the foundation of the world (Ephesians ane:4). Jesus oftentimes spoke forgiveness over others that resulted in the healing of their bodies.

Forgiveness is freely given to us and to love your neighbor as yourself y'all'll laissez passer the forgiveness on. Jesus highlighted this in His story in Matthew eighteen when Peter asks how many times is he to forgive. He tells the story of a male monarch who forgave an enormous debt to ane of his servants. This retainer failed to pass the forgiveness on. He demanded payment of a small debt from his neighbor. When the rex heard of it, he had his retainer remanded for his debt, revoking the debt cancellation. Jesus' story tells us that love e'er forgives.

We all demand forgiveness, and so loving your neighbor is to forgive them every bit yous have been.

Danielle Bernock writes about overcoming the furnishings of babyhood and emotional trauma through the power of the love of God. Her get-go book Emerging With Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, And The LOVE that Heals has ushered many to emotional and spiritual freedom. Other books include A Bird Named Payn, and Dearest's Manifesto. For more information or to connect with Danielle get here: https://world wide web.daniellebernock.com/

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/freedom007

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Source: https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/what-does-it-mean-to-love-your-neighbor-as-yourself.html

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